I pulled out the last of the leeks, can't you see that no manure had been added before, they are near enough the size they were when I put them in last year! I think I might as well plant the thinner
ones into my plot here! I also picked the last of the swedes, they are going to go into our pot-au-feur today. I thought I had carrots as well but they had rotted in the ground!
I also thought it was odd that my parsnips had grown beautifully in the last month or so, funny I thought, there was no sign of them growing well before, but, on closer inspection, I realised that they were my white radishes from last year - honestly they were as big as parsnips - full of holes - whoops! mustn't make the same mistake this year!
I was going great guns thinking I will have weeded my patch before I go home last evening ready
Have a look at Paul & Roz's website of their great life here in Brittany and the vast menagerie they have at http://www.halfacrefarm.bretondiary.com - makes interesting reading and viewing!
I did all the talking!!!!!!!!!!!!! You haven't mentioned that as soon as we arrived you stopped gardening to talk and never bothered starting again. Still that's half a job done.
ReplyDeleteI keep forgetting this profile is in Roz"s name, above should read, Paul says: I did all the talking!!!!!!!!!!!!! You haven't mentioned that as soon as we arrived you stopped gardening to talk and never bothered starting again. Still that's half a job done.
ReplyDeleteYou are making me feel guilty, I have done very little to my veg plots...have you started lots of seeds yet?
ReplyDeleteNo have just got my greenhouse up so will hopefully start this weekend, but need to check the weather for the nights!
ReplyDeleteTrying to find Panais seeds (parsnips) they think im crazy when i ask for them!
I found some panais seeds today now cost enough though! 3E95 aagghhh!