Monday, 23 March 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

I have been a busy Jillybeans today! you may well remember when I first started the garden here in the smallThe small potager at our house in Josseliner house, I took some pictures, this particular one to the left is in my first potager, (veggie area) note the rubbish at the end, lots of broken tiles, glass, builders rubble etc., now it is nice and clear, pic below, and have re-arranged the stones to make it a rockery as you can see in the pic, I will trail some strawberries and wild flowers over them, well thats The small potager at our house in Josselinthe plan, lets hope it comes to fruition!

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I was looking at next doors garden, a little old lady lives there, she loves gardening, she has leeks and onions she is still digging up, quite a big plot, she potters away every day doing a little bit more, you would say 'ok whats wrong with that' well nothing at all, its just that Keith mentioned "have you noticed she has rows of tulips amongst the veggies", and sure enoughThe small potager at our house in Josselin as the picture below proves, she has some real nice tulips coming up, now what is odd is that the French are not really worried about flowers to that extent especially in the veggie patch - not far short of a waste of space in their eyes, as they would put as much veg in as possible, so this was quite refreshing to see, along with her 7 pairs of knickers all neatly in a row, 2 housecoats, pinnys, 2 bras, tea towels, jumpers, as today is Monday its wasNext doors potager at our house in Josselinh day! every week its the same - bless her!!

I have also been transplanting strawberry plants which are dotted around the garden, apparently some of them are Alpine strawberries which will be lovely to pick in the morning with my cereal! I've got loads of them, also been sowing more seeds, been trying to hold back on them a bit as it is rather cold at night, in fact it was frosty on my windscreen of the car today, but in saying that my red cabbages are coming up a treat, so are my tomatoes and cress, just keeping my fingers crossed nothing happens to them! Have sown some potatoes (the left overs from my other garden) onions, red onions and carrots outside as well.

Well thats it for a mo! happy gardening one and all!

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