We have 2 cats called SAMMY & CINDY - they are brother and sister - they were both born on 1st May 1999 which means they will be 10 years old this May!
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They've both been with Keith for a long time (since kittens) and have been through lots of adventures with him, now their latest adventure is having moved again but instead of just Keith they have moved in with Joshy and me! Now that's really put the cat amongst the pigeons!!!
SAMMY - is the laid back, lazy fat stupid cat! he loves sitting in this box to the right here! he weighs in at just over 6kg! "he is built for comfort not speed" and follows his master everywhere (old habits die hard). He doesn't usually venture off far but last summer at the old house where Keith lived he went missing, we were very distraught as its not like him, we searched everywhere, put posters up looked in the ditches, so unlike him to miss a meal,
After 8 days away from home, we were having to come to terms that the worst had happened to him, which I knew was really upsetting Keith. Then on Monday morning, whilst Keith was doing some work on the computer and I was in the kitchen, busily peeling garlic, we both heard a "Miaoww" Sure enough, it was the Sammy beast! Having said hello, the first thing he did was to rush to the food bowl and gorge himself - "nothing has changed there", I thought to myself!
As you can perhaps see from these photos, he seems to have lost quite a b

it of weight and was very thirsty, b

ut in all other respects seemed fit and healthy. Having emptied his water bowl he started on the watering can, Cindy came up to wash him as if to say you dirty bruv u and then it was snooze time!
Next door to Keith's old bungalow is a company who repairs roofs, we later found out that he had crept into next doors works van, must have been on a Friday they had closed the van doors and shut up shop on a weeks holiday, and of course was discovered on their return 10 days later! We had to take a bottle of Pastis round to say "sorry" for the clawing and mess inside the van!
He loves sitting on my lap when I am working on the computer, but as he's so large he often falls off! he also loves it when I comb him, I don't use an ordinary brush I use a flea comb - not because of fleas you understand - its because he goes into ecstatic raptures with this thing and being long haired its great on getting the excess hairs off especially at the moment as they seem to be molting a lot! now its a different matter if Keith is in bed and Sammy is as well he hisses and spits at me!!! we can only think its a "protecting the master" way of his - oh well! Sorry Sammy I'm not impressed - but I do love you really!

Now CINDY is a totally different cat, she is very clever, does her own thing, when Keith was living in the Bungalow there was a lot of land around, so she was always off hunting and sleeping amongst the long grass, I hardly ever saw her when I came to visit but she did love to bring Keith presents as this pic shows one of her conquests she had brought into the house - poor mouse, he told me (Keith not the mouse) he had to walk away as the crunching of the bones was too much for even him - yeeuk at least she licked up the blood as well!
She would never sit on my lap and didn't like to be stroked in fact would usually run away when I or Joshy were around
, NOW we are all together here and the garden is much smaller, she has had a whole change of life (must have had a cat brain transplant) she is a totally different cat! maybe due to not a lot of open land around there seem to be no meeces to be caught (glad to say)
a real homely cat now, very vocal, is always talking loves Joshy, has taken
to sitting on the window sill watching the world go by, as we are actually on the road this is a novelty to her compared to the countryside. She is getting nearly as lazy as her brother! She also loves sitting on my furry handbag a present from Keith's sister (shhh don't tell her!) and during the day she adores sitting by my computer as she follows the sun round!

Now if Keith calls PRAWNIES! they will run like mad wherever they are, Cindy can't get enough of them, Sammy starts eating then leaves the rest for later, but he's such a stupid cat he goes back and wonders where they have all gone to! Derrr Sammy!

Finally a pic of them both with their master!