Monday, 23 March 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

I have been a busy Jillybeans today! you may well remember when I first started the garden here in the smallThe small potager at our house in Josseliner house, I took some pictures, this particular one to the left is in my first potager, (veggie area) note the rubbish at the end, lots of broken tiles, glass, builders rubble etc., now it is nice and clear, pic below, and have re-arranged the stones to make it a rockery as you can see in the pic, I will trail some strawberries and wild flowers over them, well thats The small potager at our house in Josselinthe plan, lets hope it comes to fruition!

"To see an image in full size, just double click on a pic and don't forget to use the back arrow to return."

I was looking at next doors garden, a little old lady lives there, she loves gardening, she has leeks and onions she is still digging up, quite a big plot, she potters away every day doing a little bit more, you would say 'ok whats wrong with that' well nothing at all, its just that Keith mentioned "have you noticed she has rows of tulips amongst the veggies", and sure enoughThe small potager at our house in Josselin as the picture below proves, she has some real nice tulips coming up, now what is odd is that the French are not really worried about flowers to that extent especially in the veggie patch - not far short of a waste of space in their eyes, as they would put as much veg in as possible, so this was quite refreshing to see, along with her 7 pairs of knickers all neatly in a row, 2 housecoats, pinnys, 2 bras, tea towels, jumpers, as today is Monday its wasNext doors potager at our house in Josselinh day! every week its the same - bless her!!

I have also been transplanting strawberry plants which are dotted around the garden, apparently some of them are Alpine strawberries which will be lovely to pick in the morning with my cereal! I've got loads of them, also been sowing more seeds, been trying to hold back on them a bit as it is rather cold at night, in fact it was frosty on my windscreen of the car today, but in saying that my red cabbages are coming up a treat, so are my tomatoes and cress, just keeping my fingers crossed nothing happens to them! Have sown some potatoes (the left overs from my other garden) onions, red onions and carrots outside as well.

Well thats it for a mo! happy gardening one and all!

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Our Cats!

We have 2 cats called SAMMY & CINDY - they are brother and sister - they were both born on 1st May 1999 which means they will be 10 years old this May!

"To see an image in full size, just double click on pic and don't forget to use the back arrow to return."

Our 2 cats Sammy & Cindy
They've both been with Keith for a long time (since kittens) and have been through lots of adventures with him, now their latest adventure is having moved again but instead of just Keith they have moved in with Joshy and me! Now that's really put the cat amongst the pigeons!!!

Sammy in a boxSAMMY - is the laid back, lazy fat stupid cat! he loves sitting in this box to the right here! he weighs in at just over 6kg! "he is built for comfort not speed" and follows his master everywhere (old habits die hard). He doesn't usually venture off far but last summer at the old house where Keith lived he went missing, we were very distraught as its not like him, we searched everywhere, put posters up looked in the ditches, so unlike him to miss a meal,

After 8 days away from home, we were having to come to terms that the worst had happened to him, which I knew was really upsetting Keith. Then on Monday morning, whilst Keith was doing some work on the computer and I was in the kitchen, busily peeling garlic, we both heard a "Miaoww" Sure enough, it was the Sammy beast! Having said hello, the first thing he did was to rush to the food bowl and gorge himself - "nothing has changed there", I thought to myself!

As you can perhaps see from these photos, he seems to have lost quite a bSammy very thirsty after no water or food for 10 daysit of weight and was very thirsty, bSammy very thirsty after no water or food for 10 daysut in all other respects seemed fit and healthy. Having emptied his water bowl he started on the watering can, Cindy came up to wash him as if to say you dirty bruv u and then it was snooze time!

Next door to Keith's old bungalow is a company who repairs roofs, we later found out that he had crept into next doors works van, must have been on a Friday they had closed the van doors and shut up shop on a weeks holiday, and of course was discovered on their return 10 days later! We had to take a bottle of Pastis round to say "sorry" for the clawing and mess inside the van!Cindy checking Sammy over after being away for so long

He loves sitting on my lap when I am working on the computer, but as he's so large he often falls off! he also loves it when I comb him, I don't use an ordinary brush I use a flea comb - not because of fleas you understand - its because he goes into ecstatic raptures with this thing and being long haired its great on getting the excess hairs off especially at the moment as they seem to be molting a lot! now its a different matter if Keith is in bed and Sammy is as well he hisses and spits at me!!! we can only think its a "protecting the master" way of his - oh well! Sorry Sammy I'm not impressed - but I do love you really!


Cindy bringing pressie for Daddy

Now CINDY is a totally different cat, she is very clever, does her own thing, when Keith was living in the Bungalow there was a lot of land around, so she was always off hunting and sleeping amongst the long grass, I hardly ever saw her when I came to visit but she did love to bring Keith presents as this pic shows one of her conquests she had brought into the house - poor mouse, he told me (Keith not the mouse) he had to walk away as the crunching of the bones was too much for even him - yeeuk at least she licked up the blood as well!

She would never sit on my lap and didn't like to be stroked in fact would usually run away when I or Joshy were around Cindy enjoying being pampered by Joshy, NOW we are all together here and the garden is much smaller, she has had a whole change of life (must have had a cat brain transplant) she is a totally different cat! maybe due to not a lot of open land around there seem to be no meeces to be caught (glad to say)

a real homely cat now, very vocal, is always talking loves Joshy, has taken Cindy sunning herself in the windowto sitting on the window sill watching the world go by, as we are actually on the road this is a novelty to her compared to the countryside. She is getting nearly as lazy as her brother! She also loves sitting on my furry handbag a present from Keith's sister (shhh don't tell her!) and during the day she adores sitting by my computer as she follows the sun round!

Cindy loves sitting on my furry bag

Now if Keith calls PRAWNIES! they will run like mad wherever they are, Cindy can't get enough of them, Sammy starts eating then leaves the rest for later, but he's such a stupid cat he goes back and wonders where they have all gone to! Derrr Sammy!

The cats with their master - Daddy

Finally a pic of them both with their master!

Friday, 20 March 2009

I have done my Potty Planting!

Spent all day planting yesterday, boy was I tired last night! Keith my fella had got my dinner nearly ready by the time I got home last night and said lets go for a drink to relax you first (he really wanted a drink if the truth is known) so we walked down to our local bar but with great difficulty on my behalf I just could not straighten up! Now I know what it must feel like to be old and a hunch back!

"To see the images in full size, just double click on a pic and don't forget to use the back arrow to return."

My planted veggie plot at La Maison des Fleurs -
When you look at the above pic it really doesn't look like I've done much but if you look closely, each stick represents the rows I have planted, theres a lot really honestly! Anyway, I have planted loads of early potatoes, Anais, and a main crop Desiree, lots of ordinary onions (sturon), shallots (Jermor) and lots of red onions, I love these, the ground although dug up and manured a week or so ago, was so hard due to no rain for a while I had to really dig it all again - no wonder I felt knackered!

Now all I have toMy Keithys favourite flowers Nasturtiums do is wait for them to come up! I have kept a few of each type to plant here in my garden in Josselin so I can actually 'watch' them grow as I find it exciting!

I need to next time I go over, probably next week now, sow my carrots, parsnips and some other stuff, green beans I think might be a possibility but not sure what else as yet.

More land at my place, La Maison des Fleurs for perhaps more veggies?
My Keithys favourite flowers Nasturtiums Whilst waiting for me to finish planting, my friend Karen who has been helping me continued digging ready for sowing next week, she was so proud of her efforts, but I reminded her to look to her right (see pic above) to show her that she has barely started she has all that still to dig up!!!! don't think she will be coming again LOL Sorry Karen only joking!

N.B. I have added a couple of 'Nasturtium' pics (Keithy's favourite) to brighten up the otherwise dull pictures of my planting!

Monday, 16 March 2009

Blue Tit update!

I have managed to take some real pics yesterday of our Blue Tits take a look!

"To see an image in full size, just double click on a pic, don't forget to use the back arrow to return."

A Blue Tit entering his nest box

A Blue Tit entering his nest box
Looking forward to seeing the babies later on - only problem is Blue Tits are renowned for throwing their babies out of the nest, which means our cats will get them, or perhaps not as it is a bit of a wilderness below the tree, lets hope!

Sunday, 15 March 2009


My Joshy so proud of all of his Lego - bless him"To see the image in full size, just double click on pic and don't forget to use the back arrow to return."

Today I am blogging for my 12 year old son Joshy, he is absolutely Lego mad - he is the top Lego Boy of Brittany!!!! The above pic was taken a few weeks ago and there is even more Lego now! He has lots of Lego City, and is now getting into Star Wars. He has numerous pics so click on this link to see the latest ones on offer, but please don't look too closely at some of them as you will see lots of bits fluff and dirt on the carpet where he won't let me clean his bedroom!! boys hey!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 14 March 2009


Well well, I've got 2 tits nesting in our garden box on the tree, it's lovely to see! I've put out some of the fur from our cats but they don't seem to be interested - wonder why - I find a lot of Sammy's (our big fat cat) tufts of fluffy hair everywhere, as he is long haired you would have thought they would love it!

I have been trying to get a pic of my tits but to no avail, (ok have you ever tried taking a pic of your tits not easy - they don't seem to want to perform!) so please forgive me for using a pic from a public domain site, I'm sure they look the same (ok perhaps the size varies) as the ones in our tree!

Friday, 13 March 2009

My Lovely Gites for rent and/or for sale!

My Gites to rent at Maison des Fleurs near La Gacilly Dept 56

I thought I would tell you a little bit about my property I rent out Nr. La Gacilly, Department 56, it is a beautiful Longere, it is to die for really! for more details have a look at my website at I bought it with my ex 8 years ago, we have modernised and updated to the standard necessary for renting out, and it really is lovely, 'chocolate boxy', unfortunately I need to sell it now (partly due to my ex buggering off back to uk 4 years ago) but due to the economical situation it really is a joke! so am continuing to rent them out this year and of course still have it up for sale! so if you fancy buying it, a real snip at 230,000 Euros just give me a call! As you can see by the pic above it really is beautiful, especially in the summer with all the flowers surrounding the house, hence I call it 'La Maison des Fleurs' (the house of flowers) each gite I have named after a flower, for example the main farmhouse I call 'Le Petunia' the cottage 'La Jonquille' and the Apartment 'La Jacinthe'

The view to the rear of La Maison des Fleurs - holiday Gites

The property stands in 4,000m2 of land, (look at the pic above with the beautiful view from behind the Gites), which is where as you may have read in my lusty gardening section, is where I am doing my other veggie patch! I have an orchard there as well with 2 peach trees, 3 plum trees, 2 apple trees, and one humongous old apple and a beautiful quince tree! the quinces are so large I really must do something with them this year! to the front of the house I have a lovely cherry tree also pear, apple, peach, plum and a bay tree!

I also have a 250m2 dry barn! this should host all the right stuff, but to be honest is a complete and utter mess! apart from the wood I have in there, and my sit on tractor, boy do I love my sit on tractor when I cut the grass my mobile goes in one receptacle and a bottle of beer in the other! and get a sun tan the same time!!! so getting back to my mess, I have loads of stuff I have ruthlessly sorted and throwing out ie like my ex's c**p - hey that gives me great pleasure LOL, so have rather a large pile accumulating for the rubbish tip!

I also have (yes theres more) across the road from my Gites, 842m2 of constructible land with planning permission! So come on you lot who would like to buy my house with the added advantage of ready up and running Gites??? Have a look at the following pics to whet your appetite! Don't forget if interested, just contact me at

Here is a link for you to view more flowers at my house

Looking down the Gites at La Maison des Fleurs, Nr La Gacilly

Looking down the Gites at La Maison des Fleurs - Nr La Gacilly

Some of my beautiful flowers at La Maison des Fleurs - Holiday Gites for rent

More pooing and froing (chuckle)

Yesterday was at my house again, we needed a bit more poo for the small garden here so rather then take the car down the track and get bogged down again, we drove up with the car and trailer and parked it outside John's house, walked down his garden to where the horses are and just wheel barrowed a few loads straight into the trailer, fine you might say but the biggest task was getting it into the garden here as we are directly on the road and the only access is through the house but no go as wheelbarrow won't fit through doorways,so we had to take it in turns wheelbarrowing the poo manure via the alleyway at the back in relays, so now I am going to start spreading it today!

Another item we brought over is my plastic greenhouse, so am going to attempt to put that up today, will let you know later if I was successful or not! BFN!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Poo collecting!

Well yesterday I was really lucky with the weather, it was gorgeous - unlike today - it is tipping it down! We arrived at my house at Nr La Gacilly where I have my Gites (, with 2 friends of ours Karen & Rick, they kindly said they would bring their trailor so we could collect lots of horsey poo from a neighbour of mine John up the road! there was also an ulterior motive as they wanted a lot for their veggie garden, well this poo after we had taken off the top layer was near enough pure compost underneath, it was absolutely crawling with worms, loads of them - was like the day of the triffids worms! now I hate worms they give me the creeps, and I was really worried as I was standing on the top of this massive pile whilst shovelling it into the trailor and sinking the same time, that it would get into my 'shorty' boots! Rick is a 'manure' expert and said he had never seen such wonderful poo! he is also a fishing enthusiast as well as is my Keithy, and said as they were wriggling so much they were ideal for fishing - he's going to nurture some out for his next fishing trip! - OK don't tell him but I might let Keithy search our poo, if he's a good boy, when it gets delivered later!

Perfect manure for my veggie garden at La Maison des Fleurs Bains-sur-Oust

Poor Rick though he got 'stuck' in the field as the trailor was so heavily laden (greedy???) that he couldn't get up to the top of the field to freedom, he made some lovely skid marks!!! eventually I said I will get some help, so beckoned my French neighbours over, and with a lot of talking (cursing) and shoving and lifting, the 7 of us got it to the top of the hill and back onto the road, must remember to get them a bottle of Ricard to share next time to say thank you! Luckily Rick had cut the hedge for me before this fiasco, and it is a long hedge I can tell you, he cut lots of the brambles down, as they are really getting out of hand, whilst Karen and I were madly digging the veggie patch ready for the poo, in this pic you can see Karen lending a hand at digging, but she was too shy to show her face, you wait Karen I will catch you unaware!

My friend helping me do the veggie gardening for my Gites at
We also managed to do a spot of sunbathing whilst eating lunch, was so warm, then a bit of painting of the end gite inside and out. Right my next update on my gardening here will be when I re-visit on Thursday next - so watch this space again!

Monday, 9 March 2009

I'm off today digging n' muck spreading'

Some of my produce last year at my Gites at La Maison des Fleur
Right I'm off a digging and muck spreading today at my house where the Gites are! luckily there is a small team of us, nice weather too, so will update tonight with pics!!

PS This had better be worthwhile - but then of course it will be, I've only got to think of those lovely veggies I will (might) get! Just remembered my boots - gosh can you imagine what it would be like without squelch yeeeuuukkk!

PPS The above pic encourages me to get going - this was taken last year in September the last of those veggies there, and that was without horse poo - can you imagine the size they will be this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Saturday, 7 March 2009

My other Veggie Patch - What a Mess!

I went to my other house yesterday to dig up the rest of the veggies before I have horse poo dug in on Monday! what a neglected mess it looks at the moment, not so easy when you are not living there!
I pulled out the last of the leeks, can't you see that no manure had been added before, they are near enough the size they were when I put them in last year! I think I might as well plant the thinner

ones into my plot here! I also picked the last of the swedes, they are going to go into our pot-au-feur today. I thought I had carrots as well but they had rotted in the ground!

I also thought it was odd that my parsnips had grown beautifully in the last month or so, funny I thought, there was no sign of them growing well before, but, on closer inspection, I realised that they were my white radishes from last year - honestly they were as big as parsnips - full of holes - whoops! mustn't make the same mistake this year!

I was going great guns thinking I will have weeded my patch before I go home last evening ready for Monday, when beep beep, thinking whose that? it was my friends/neighbours Paul and Roz! so as you do, we stood talking for a while (well Paul did LOL) I reckon it was for a very long while, cos when they left it was too late to do any more work! got my work cut out on Monday now - watch this space!!!!!!!

Have a look at Paul & Roz's website of their great life here in Brittany and the vast menagerie they have at - makes interesting reading and viewing!

Thursday, 5 March 2009


The magnificent weir at La Gacilly

Well today is a damp, miserable and cold day, no gardening going on whatsoever - so what better then to tell you a bit about 'Villes et Villages Fleuries" which translated means Towns and Villages in Flower! these are stunning over here, Just look for this sign when entering a village or town in France then you will know what to expect!

This is a great scheme which they adopt over here, ranging from one flower to 4 flowers, this is open to any town or village throughout France, and is judged on the environment, the quality of life, the welcome and of course the quality, quantity and layout of flowers. A trophy is awarded to up to 9 of the best towns or villages in a grand ceremony on the 15th of June!

The town of LA GACILLY nearby to where my Gites are at - I am proud to say has 4 flowers, if you perhaps are thinking of staying at my place, LA GACILLY is a fantastic place to visit especially with its stunning weir see pic above - and of course is full of flowers!

Have a look at the local tourist office for La Gacilly and its surrounding areas to get a feel of what I mean at


Wednesday, 4 March 2009

A discovery in the garden!

My find I dug up today
I have dug a little more today in our garden in between the showers, (was getting quite a sweat on) when I found about 4 potatoes my landlady must have forgotten to dig up! looks like they are Desiree's but not sure??? must ask her!

There would have been more tatties, but not knowing anything would be in there my fork had spiked the others to bits!

Oh well that saves me going to the shops tonight for Joshy's tea! he can have boiled potatoes with boiled potatoes and perhaps mash with the spiked potatoes! Poor kid what a rotten mum I am not feeding him properly!