Well haven't we been lucky with the weather for Easter - so unusual! Good Friday as you may well know, is not a holiday here, so nothing special happened apart from having a hot choccie at our favourite bar. On SATURDAY the weather was glorious, we had a look around the market here in Josselin, as usual it was as bustling as ever,we had arranged to meet some English people at our cafe to give them some advice on working over here in France which we did, we then went back home pottered in the garden in the gorgeous sunshine with a drink or two, was my turn to make the dinner which was a lovely roast lamb with all the trimmings and strawberries for dessert!!!
SUNDAY yet another beautiful day - we were going to go to Carnac market but decided against it as the world and its wife would have been there being Easter with such lovely weather, and as we didn't fancy that we had a leisurely brekkie and a nice long walk along the canal, so beautiful, trees in blossom spring flowers, putting the world to rights, on the way back we kind of passed our favourite cafe, ( look at pic to the right of owner serving us) we had walked a few km we thought we deserved another coffee, but the smell of the dish of the day, steak& chips was so great that it happened to lure us in to the last table available so bottle of wine, and a beautiful desert called 'cafe delice'. We meandered back home and just sat around in the garden, talking, reading and a little drinkie! Thats what holidays are all about doing sweet nothing!
MONDAY started off rather misty, but we could see that the sun was going to burn it all off later on, we had to go to my house about 45 mins away for 11am as there was someone wanting to view it! they did seem interested so keep your fingers crossed everyone! Whilst over that way, we thought we would go and see our friends Ros & Paul and their menagarie www.halfacrefarm@gmail.com they live right by my house, it was lovely sitting in the sunshine chatting over a coffee/beer! We then went in the afternoon to a local Vide Grenier in Guegon, by this time the sun was fully out, it was beautiful, we bought a few bits and bobs and a bit of tack for Keiths collection (have a look at them all at bretondiary.com/diary/110409_they_live.html) sad I know but I cannot find anybody willing to give him some therapy for his addiction - probably cos its too late! Back home we just sat out in the garden, later on we ate outside which was so nice, but then we saw that Cindy one of our 2 cats had caught a mouse! typical I thought just when we were eating, she had the audacity to crunch the bones at the same time - not nice, she ate it all apart from the entrails yeeeuuukkkk!
Now today TUESDAY, is rather manky and miserable and wet so lots of catching up to do indoors ie cleaning (moan moan) but thought I would post this funny attachment - a bien tot!
Hi my name is Jilly, and I live in this beautiful part of Southern Brittany, France, in the picturesque medieval town of Josselin. I live here happily with my partner Keith whom I am very much in love with and adore to bits, he is a great reader, and a dab hand at writing! what better inspiration can you get then being here in France! We live with my lovely 12 year old son who is very much into Lego - you should see his bedroom it is full of Lego layouts!
Keith and I have been living together for 4 months and loving it, we are really looking forward to building our 'wooden house' hopefully within the next few years, we find that a very exciting prospect! We will be growing all our own veggies (like so many others) and lots of flowers (my love), and chickens, geese etc. We also have some business plans in the pipeline - which of course have to be thought over very carefully whilst sipping a glass of wine or two in the French sunshine!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giggle, Jilly!
Sounds like you had a very relaxing weekend!
Thanks Kitty!
ReplyDeleteYes had a really great weekend just how it should be!
Yes made me laugh - so typical LOL. Keep an eye out will get some more, there is one which I must find which is a real goodun!