Friday 13 March 2009

More pooing and froing (chuckle)

Yesterday was at my house again, we needed a bit more poo for the small garden here so rather then take the car down the track and get bogged down again, we drove up with the car and trailer and parked it outside John's house, walked down his garden to where the horses are and just wheel barrowed a few loads straight into the trailer, fine you might say but the biggest task was getting it into the garden here as we are directly on the road and the only access is through the house but no go as wheelbarrow won't fit through doorways,so we had to take it in turns wheelbarrowing the poo manure via the alleyway at the back in relays, so now I am going to start spreading it today!

Another item we brought over is my plastic greenhouse, so am going to attempt to put that up today, will let you know later if I was successful or not! BFN!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ha Ha very funny! just as well I know you otherwise I would delete it LOL!

  2. And worth its weight in gold. Just don't put it anywhere near the carrot bed! Apart from that you can't have too much of it.
    Keep up the good work.
